Jockey (26-01-2025)

Jockey Form at Sedgefield in Hurdles

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Generous Scorpion (14:40 Sedge) Mr Theo Gillard 9 - 38 (23.68%) 9 38 23.68 4.5 2.0
5.2 £37.85
Vanilla Dancer (14:40 Sedge) Danny McMenamin 15 - 80 (18.75%) 15 80 18.75 8.5 1.8
5.6 £80
La Quarite (13:40 Sedge) Danny McMenamin 15 - 80 (18.75%) 15 80 18.75 8.5 1.8
5.6 £80
Surrey Belle (14:10 Sedge) Danny McMenamin 15 - 80 (18.75%) 15 80 18.75 8.5 1.8
5.6 £80
Bunker Bay (13:40 Sedge) Emma Smith-Chaston 7 - 46 (15.22%) 7 46 15.22 4.1 1.7
2.3 -£7.56
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