Jockey (22-01-2025)

Jockey Form at Catterick in Hurdles

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Diamond Koda (14:38 Catt) Charlie Hammond 4 - 11 (36.36%) 4 11 36.36 2.0 2.0
2.4 £4.59
Kazontherazz (14:38 Catt) Sean Bowen 5 - 8 (62.5%) 5 8 62.5 3.2 1.6
1.8 £4.08
Ridin Solo (14:38 Catt) Brian Hughes 22 - 93 (23.66%) 22 93 23.66 16.8 1.3
2.0 £65.6
Sea Legend (15:38 Catt) Brian Hughes 22 - 93 (23.66%) 22 93 23.66 16.8 1.3
2.0 £65.6
Far Away West (15:38 Catt) Harry Skelton 3 - 14 (21.43%) 3 14 21.43 2.4 1.2
0.2 £64.19
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