Jockey (14-01-2025)

Jockey Form at Plumpton in Hurdles

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Nothinelsematters (14:40 Plump) Harry Bannister 5 - 24 (20.83%) 5 24 20.83 2.5 2.0
2.7 £14
San Pedro (14:40 Plump) Mr Fred Gordon 9 - 32 (28.13%) 9 32 28.13 4.8 1.9
4.3 £22.37
Alto Alto (15:45 Plump) Mr Fred Gordon 9 - 32 (28.13%) 9 32 28.13 4.8 1.9
4.3 £22.37
Minella Kaiser (13:10 Plump) Mr Fred Gordon 9 - 32 (28.13%) 9 32 28.13 4.8 1.9
4.3 £22.37
That'll Do Moss (14:10 Plump) Jonathan Burke 5 - 15 (33.33%) 5 15 33.33 3.2 1.6
1.3 -£1.27
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