Jockey (22-12-2024)

Jockey Form at Fakenham in Hurdles

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Von Hallers (12:13 Fake) Tom Bellamy 4 - 13 (30.77%) 4 13 30.77 2.0 2.0
2.2 -£1.85
Minimoonbeam (13:43 Fake) Tom Bellamy 4 - 13 (30.77%) 4 13 30.77 2.0 2.0
2.2 -£1.85
Go West (13:43 Fake) Harry Cobden 5 - 13 (38.46%) 5 13 38.46 4.0 1.2
0.3 -£2.39
Miss Cynthia (13:43 Fake) Tom Cannon 6 - 21 (28.57%) 6 21 28.57 5.1 1.2
0.2 £7.61
Killomeroe (13:43 Fake) Lewis Stones 3 - 21 (14.29%) 3 21 14.29 2.6 1.1
0.1 -£9.83
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