Jockey (21-12-2024)

Jockey Form at Ascot in Chases

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Galop De Chasse (13:15 Ascot) Charlie Deutsch 16 - 40 (40%) 16 40 40 7.3 2.2
12.8 £68.88
Victtorino (15:00 Ascot) Charlie Deutsch 16 - 40 (40%) 16 40 40 7.3 2.2
12.8 £68.88
Two For Gold (15:00 Ascot) Jonathan Burke 4 - 14 (28.57%) 4 14 28.57 2.5 1.6
1.2 £0.52
Iroko (13:50 Ascot) Jonjo O'Neill Jr 3 - 17 (17.65%) 3 17 17.65 2.3 1.3
0.3 £9.38
Scarface (13:15 Ascot) Sam Twiston-Davies 4 - 26 (15.38%) 4 26 15.38 4.1 1.0
0.0 -£1.69
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