Proform Release Notes for V1.91 build.8
Proform Release Notes for V1.91 build.8
New Features Summary
- Taken error message out of power auto import
- Fixed welcome screen disappearing bug
- Changed in running low queries in system builder to make sure all winners get 100% lower sr
- Added UR1,2,3,4 to full and quick todays runners screen
- Added FWins, FRuns, fPRB, 50% Low SR, 70% Low SR, 50% High SR and 12 Tick Higher SR to full and quick todays runners screen
- Added PaceForm, Pace, Pace %, IR_Lowest, %DiffLOW, IR_Highest, %DiffHIGH, PvSTot, PvSTotL3 to full and quick todays runners screen
- Added 50%LowSR to system builder returns so that it can be researched
- Fixed price movement bug