Proform Release Notes for V1.91 build.8


Proform Release Notes for V1.91 build.8


New Features Summary

  1. Taken error message out of power auto import
  2. Fixed welcome screen disappearing bug
  3. Changed in running low queries in system builder to make sure all winners get 100% lower sr
  4. Added UR1,2,3,4 to full and quick todays runners screen
  5. Added FWins, FRuns, fPRB, 50% Low SR, 70% Low SR, 50% High SR and 12 Tick Higher SR to full and quick todays runners screen
  6. Added PaceForm, Pace, Pace %, IR_Lowest, %DiffLOW, IR_Highest, %DiffHIGH, PvSTot, PvSTotL3 to full and quick todays runners screen
  7. Added 50%LowSR to system builder returns so that it can be researched
  8. Fixed price movement bug